SPSP Mental Health Updates
The Scottish Patient Safety Programme for Mental Health Learning System aims to accelerate the sharing of learning and improvement work across all care services and underpins all our activities. Through collaborative working, sharing good practice and signposting to training resources, we aim to encourage continuous learning at all levels, in every care setting.
How do we support sharing the learning?
We do this through a range of engagement and learning opportunities:
- organising or signposting to relevant webinars
- capturing and sharing insights, case studies and evidence
- facilitation of networks
- collaborative working
- providing practical and bespoke quality improvement and coaching support, and
- producing guidance and implementation toolkits.
Safety Climate Resources
Here are our new and updated Scottish Patient Safety Programme for Mental Health (SPSPMH) safety climate resources for use in mental health services, primarily designed for use in adult inpatient settings.
‘Safety climate is the point in time ‘measurement’ of the safety culture. Safety culture has been shown to be a key predictor of safety performance in several industries. It is the difference between a safe organisation and an accident waiting to happen. Thinking and talking about our safety culture is essential for us to understand what we do well, and where we need to improve.’
The SPSPMH safety climate resources includes tools for measuring individual staff and patient safety climate, with paper based and digital versions. For the first time we have included tools to measure safety climate in groups of staff and patients. This is based on the NES safety climate discussion cards.
- Safety Climate Resource: Guidance
- Safety Climate Resource: Patient Guidance
- Safety Climate Resource: Staff Guidance
Learning System Webinar: Safety Climate: What is it, why is it important and why do we measure it? : 14 June 2022
We heard from Prof. Paul Bowie, Programme Director (Safety & Improvement) at NHS Education for Scotland, who told us what safety climate is, why it is important in healthcare and how to measure and improve it.
We will also heard from Gordon McInnes from the Glasgow Mental Health Network on their experiences of using the SPSPMH patient safety climate tool and what it has allowed them to improve.
Webinar Slides (PDF)
Learning System Webinar: Improving Observation Practice – Policy to Practice: 21 March 2022
On Monday 21 March 2022 we hosted a 60 minute webinar chaired by Dr Jane Cheeseman, National Clinical Lead for SPSPMH, to set the scene for SPSPMH in 2022 and hear the story of one NHS board’s journey as they implement the principles of the national ‘From Observation to Intervention’ guidance.
Jenny Revel, Clinical Academic Nurse, described the work happening across NHS Lothian to take the ‘From Observation to Intervention’ guidance from local policy to practice. Jenny was joined by Simon Porter from the NHS Lothian Patient’s Council.
Jenny and Simon described why the change was needed, how they co-designed the changes with patients, ensuring staff investment in new ways of working, measuring and evaluating the change and what’s next for NHS Lothian.
The aims of this webinar were to provide:
- An overview of SPSP MH plans for 2022/23, and
- A practical example of how the ‘From Observation to Intervention’ guidance is being implemented and space to reflect and discuss your next steps with peers and colleagues.
Download NHS Lothian IOP Case Study
Essentials of Safe Care
- The Essentials of Safe Care is practical package of evidence based guidance and support that enables Scotland’s health and social care system to deliver safe care for every person, within every setting, every time. It is the foundation of SPSP mental health.
- The State Hospital: Using the Essentials of Safe Care to build an understanding of a system Case Study. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the patient safety work within The State Hospital was paused. The Essentials of Safe Care resources allowed for meaningful, structured conversations on what the priorities should be with regard to patient safety within the hospital.
- Essentials of Safe Care Prioritisation Tool. The prioritisation tool will help you identify the ‘change ideas’ in the Essentials of Safe Care that will strengthen your existing patient safety work and/or highlight gaps that you need to address.
Patient Safety Climate Tool Workshop - 1st September 2021
On Wednesday 1st September, Mental Health Improvement Portfolio held the Patient Safety Climate Tool Workshop. It was attended by 29 participants from NHS Health Boards, third sector organisations and people with lived and living experience who were asked to take part in a number of activities to review the tool and its use.
For more, please refer to the workshop slides and the flash report.
Improving Observation Practice Webinar - 7th December 2020
In December 2020 HIS hosted a spotlight webinar on NHS Tayside’s improving observation practice work. Donna Robertson, Lead Nurse for IOP at Murray Royal Hospital, shared the steps the team took to improve observations and impact this work had for patients and staff.
For more, please refer to the webinar slides and the flash report.
To learn more about NHS Tayside’s improving observation practice work view the video and read the case study.