Resources to support perinatal care 

The 2023 SPSP Perinatal Programme change packages for women, birthing people and babies were co-designed and co-produced with clinical and quality improvement experts from NHS boards in Scotland. Maternity expert reference group (ERG) and Perinatal ERG were convened in 2023, with representation from across NHS Scotland.

These change packages are resources to support teams to improve outcomes for women, birthing people and babies. They bring together best practices and processes based on evidence from literature, research, and the experiences of others.



Resource Source What it is and what's it for?
SPSP Perinatal Programme Perinatal Change Package: 2023  (PDF, 992K) Healthcare Improvement Scotland

A resource consisting of a driver diagram, change ideas, guides, tools, evidence and guidance to support measurement.

This resources aims to support teams to reduce neonatal mortality and neonatal morbidity.

SPSP Perinatal Programme Perinatal Change Package Shortened version – without tools and resources: 2023 (PDF, 582K) Healthcare Improvement Scotland

A resource consisting of a driver diagram and change ideas.

This resource aims to support teams to reduce neonatal mortality and neonatal morbidity.

SPSP Perinatal Programme Measurement Framework - November 2023 Healthcare Improvement Scotland

This document contains an overview of the measures included in the perinatal programme along with the definitions and data sources. It also sets out the data that participating teams are required and not required to submit as part of the perinatal programme.

SPSP Perinatal Programme Preterm Perinatal Wellbeing Package (PPWP) resources Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Well-established interventions which have been clearly shown to improve short and long-term outcomes in babies born prematurely.


Maternal deterioration:

Resource Source What it is and what's it for?
SPSP Perinatal Programme Maternal Deterioration Change Package: 2023 (PDF, 872K) Healthcare Improvement Scotland

A resource consisting of a driver diagram, change ideas, guides, tools, evidence and guidance to support measurement.

This resource aims to support teams to reduce harm from maternal deterioration.

SPSP Perinatal Programme Maternal Deterioration Change Package Shortened version – without tools and resource: 2023 (PDF, 525K) Healthcare Improvement Scotland

A resource consisting of a driver diagram and change ideas.

This resource aims to support teams to reduce harm from maternal deterioration. morbidity.

SPSP Perinatal Programme Postpartum Haemorrhage (PPH) resources  Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Resources, including the PPH 4-stage approach tool, practical guide, and recording, to facilitate a multidisciplinary team approach to recognising, responding to and managing postpartum haemorrhage.

SPSP Perinatal Programme Scottish Maternity Early Warning Score (MEWS) resources  Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Resources to help standarise the assessment and escalation of potential deterioration in pregnant and postnatal women.



Resource Source What it is and what's it for?
SPSP Perinatal Programme Stillbirth Change Package (PDF, 880K) Healthcare Improvement Scotland

A resource consisting of a driver diagram, change ideas, guides, tools, evidence and guidance to support measurement.

This resource aims to support teams to achieve a reduction in stillbirth.

SPSP Perinatal Programme Stillbirth Change Package Shortened version – without tools and resources (PDF, 527K) Healthcare Improvement Scotland

A resource consisting of a driver diagram and change ideas.

This resource aims to support teams to achieve a reduction in stillbirth.


Caesarean birth:

Resource Source What it is and what's it for?
SPSP Perinatal Programme Caesarean Birth Change Package: 2023 (PDF, 865K) Healthcare Improvement Scotland

A resource consisting of a driver diagram, change ideas, guides, tools, evidence and guidance to support measurement.

This resource aims to support teams in understanding variation in caesarean births across the NHS Scotland, to inform improvement priorities.

SPSP Perinatal Programme Caesarean Birth Change Package Shortened version – without tools and resources: 2023 (PDF, 510K) Healthcare Improvement Scotland

A resource consisting of a driver diagram and change ideas.

This resource aims to support teams in understanding variation in caesarean births across the NHS Scotland, to inform improvement priorities.