Preterm Perinatal Wellbeing Package (PPWP)

There are a number of well-established interventions that have been clearly shown to improve short- and long-term outcomes in babies born prematurely. As well as a significant reduction in mortality, these interventions reduce important morbidities such as intraventricular haemorrhage, preterm lung disease, sepsis, necrotising enterocolitis in the short term, and reduced cerebral palsy and improved neurological outcomes in the long term. The package is designed for maternity and neonatal colleagues to work in collaboration on the seven process measures.

  1. The smallest and most preterm babies (< 27 weeks) should deliver in a centre with a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) (level 3). 
  2. All mothers of infants born < 30 weeks should be given Magnesium Sulphate antenatally within 24 hours of delivery.
  3. All mothers of infants born < 34 weeks should be given antenatal steroids within 1 week of birth, and ideally greater than 24 hours before delivery.
  4. Optimal cord clamping (≥ 60 seconds) should be carried out for all infants unless specifically contraindicated, e.g. no signs of life, Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome, evidence of major placental separation.
  5. Babies should reach an admission temperature of 36.5-37.5 °C within 1 hour of birth (< 32 weeks gestation as per NNAP),
  6. All infants born < 30 weeks should receive at least one dose of caffeine within the first three days.
  7. Mothers own breast milk should be given to all infants < 32 weeks either as mouth care or enterally, within 24 hours of birth.

The following are the resources supporting PPWP.

Resource Source What it is and what's it for?
PPWP Handy Guide: 2019 (PDF, 424K) Healthcare Improvement Scotland


Handy guide for use in antenatal clinics and wards, labour wards, and neonatal units. Produced by Dr Lynsey Still, Consultant Neonatologist, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in partnership with SPSP. 


PPWP Poster: 2019 (PDF, 155K) Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Poster for use in antenatal clinics and wards, labour wards, and neonatal units. Produced by Dr Lynsey Still and Dr Emma Edwards for @PRM_NEO team in partnership with SPSP.