Sharing your SPSP story

Over 2018 the SPSP10 Campaign will reflect on the work and achievements made, hear from those who have been part of the journey and look forward to what's next for safety." Joanne Matthews, Head of Improvement and Safety

2018 marks a key milestone for SPSP as it enters its 10th year in leading improvements in the quality and safety of care across Scotland.

In recognition of this, a year long campaign will be delivered by Healthcare Improvement Scotland to:

  • celebrate the success that teams have achieved in reducing harm to people in health and social care services across Scotland and beyond
  • provide a forum for people to learn and share their experiences through national and local events and social media, and
  • look at what’s next for SPSP.

To achieve this, we need your help in highlighting and sharing the great work across the country.

If you think you’ve got an SPSP story to share, please complete this template (Word Doc) and return it to

We hope to share as much of your work over the coming year on the SPSP10 web pages, at events and using social media.

To follow the campaign over the coming year use #SPSP10 on Twitter to see all the latest updates.