Strategic Planning for Redesign updates

This page will be updated regularly with the latest from Strategic Planning for Redesign.

Transformational Change through Ethical Commissioning webinar

We commissioned two pieces of research around Ethical Commissioning, this explored 8 case studies of how different areas are implementing this. On 03 September 2024, we hosted a webinar that, we explored the findings of these two research pieces (Blake Stevenson & Iriss) alongside guest speaker Dee Fraser, Chief Executive Officer, Iriss. We shared examples of ethical commissioning from across Scotland, what the findings are telling us is needed to make Ethical Commissioning a widespread reality, and how the findings can inform future action. 


Good Practice Skills for Strategic Planning Webinar Recording and FAQ's

During 2023-24, we developed the Good Practice Skills for Strategic Planning resource.

In June of 2024 we hosted a launch webinar for the Good Practice Skills for Strategic Planning resource. Watch the webinar recording here

We have also produced an FAQ to support those accessing and using the resources to find quick answers to some of the common questions arising from using the Good Practice Skills for Strategic Planning Resource.


Good Practice Skills for Strategic Planning

During 2023-24, we developed the Good Practice Skills for Strategic Planning resource and have prototyped it with NHS Lothian, Clackmannanshire and Stirling HSCP, and Dumfries and Galloway HSCP.

This resource is designed to support local planning teams identify and build the skills and competencies required to consistently implement good strategic planning within their organisations. It is designed to be used as a tool to frame conversations between staff members and their managers as part of the annual review process. 

For more information on the Good Practice Skill for Strategic Planning resource, please get in touch with the team

Rethinking Unscheduled Care: Planning for Unscheduled Care using a Whole System Approach

On 30 August 2023 we held a webinar on Planning for Unscheduled Care using a Whole System Approach. Read the Webinar summary.

Rethinking Unscheduled Care: Strategic Planning Considerations

In July 2023, we published a companion resource to the Rethinking Unscheduled Care Design Investigation. It considers these findings through a strategic planning lens to produce this companion resource, including actionable learning insights.

Access and download the report summary.

Access and download the full report.