Value Management updates
This page is no longer updated, the Value Management Collaborative came to an end on 31 October 2022. A huge thank you to everyone who has participated in the collaborative over the last three years for their hard work and dedication, and we wish those looking to sustain the Value Management approach locally every success.
We hope that the learning and resources generated during the collaborative will continue to support improvements in care and we will continue to look for opportunities to incorporate our learning into other programmes of work.
End of Collaborative impact report August 2023: Building on the learning shared in our interim impact and learning report, this report outlines the activities, learning and impact of the Value Management Collaborative from its launch in November 2019 to October 2022. It includes key findings from the evaluation, and the experiences of participating teams. Access the report here.
End of Collaborative flash report October 2022: We are delighted to share with you the final flash report for the collaborative. Continue reading...
Value Management flash report July 2022: The national team produces a bi-monthly flash report which provides an update on recent activity, resources and upcoming events. Continue reading...
Value Management Resource pack now live June 2022: The national team are delighted to announce the launch of the Value Management Resource Pack. For tools and resources to guide you through your Value Management journey or to find out more about implementing the method continue reading…
National Learning Session resources May 2022: The Value Management Collaborative hosted a National Learning Session on Thursday 5 May 2022 at Murrayfield Stadium, Edinburgh. The session was an opportunity to celebrate and share the work of Value Management Collaborative teams in NHS Scotland, plan for spread and sustainability of the Value Management method, and provide a networking opportunity for NHS Boards participating in the collaborative or interested in the approach. If you did not get the opportunity to attend the event, we have uploaded resources. Continue reading...
Value Management flash report May 2022: The national team produces a bi-monthly flash report which provides an update on recent activity, resources and upcoming events. Continue reading...
Value Management flash report March 2022: The national team produces a bi-monthly flash report which provides an update on recent activity, resources and upcoming events. Continue reading...
Extension to the Value Management Collaborative January 2022: We are delighted that our proposal for an extension to the Value Management Collaborative has been successful. Funding has been confirmed by Scottish Government for the continuation of the collaborative until 31 March 2023.
Value Management flash report December 2021: The national team produces a bi-monthly flash report which provides an update on recent activity, resources and upcoming events. Continue reading...
Value Management flash report October 2021: The national team produces a bi-monthly flash report which provides an update on recent activity, resources and upcoming events. Continue reading...
Case Study on the Mental Health Team in NHS Highland September 2021: Easter Ross Community Mental Health Team share their experiences implementing the value management approach. Continue reading...
Case Study on Day Medicine in NHS Forth Valley August 2021: NHS Forth Valley Day Medicine Unit successfully
implemented the Value Management approach. Continue reading...
Interim Learning and Impact Report August 2021: The interim learning and impact report presents the progress and achievements so far of phase one of the Value Management Collaborative. The impact of COVID-19 on the delivery of the work has been significant and is represented within the report. For a brief outline of the report read the executive summary or continue reading the full report...
Value Management flash report August 2021: The national team produces a bi-monthly flash report which provides an update on recent activity, resources and upcoming events. Continue reading...
Value Management flash report June 2021: The national team produces a bi-monthly flash report which provides an update on recent activity, resources and upcoming events. Continue reading...