Strategic Planning in Health and Social Care online resource 19 Feb 25 We are excited to bring to your attention the Strategic Planning in Health and Social Care online resource. This online resource aims to provide insight, support, tools, and worked examples for strategic planning teams across NHS boards and Health and Social Care Partnerships. The resource sits within our work on the Scottish Approach to Change - as part of quality planning.
Design Community of Practice Nov 24 event 27 Nov 24 The Design Community of Practice events connect and support people involved in design work, in a way that enables the development and integration of design practices within health and social care system
Focus on Dementia Reducing Stress and Distress Improvement Programme - announcement of participating teams 22 Nov 24 We are delighted to announce the teams we will be working with as part of the Focus on Dementia reducing stress and distress improvement programme.
Design Community of Practice Aug 24 event 28 Aug 24 The Design Community of Practice events connect and support people involved in design work, in a way that enables the development and integration of design practices within health and social care system
Acute adult and older people hospital at home programme report 2023/24 06 Aug 24 We have been working with NHS boards and health and social care partnerships to expand older people/acute adult hospital at home across Scotland. We are delighted to share this report that summarises the impact of the national Hospital at Home programme in 2023/24.
New Reports: Transformational Change through Ethical Commissioning 30 Jul 24 In December 2023, Healthcare Improvement Scotland commissioned two pieces of research in relation to Ethical Commissioning. The purpose of these research pieces was to inform our own work in relation to Ethical Commissioning. These research pieces explored ethical commissioning through a range of case studies to build knowledge around the realities of delivering ethical commissioning approaches on the ground.
Design Community of Practice May 24 event 29 May 24 The Design Community of Practice events connect and support people involved in design work, in a way that enables the development and integration of design practices within health and social care system
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards Webinar 7: Practice to Support the Implementation of MAT Standards 3 & 8 23 Apr 24 Our seventh HIS MAT Standards Learning System webinar, held on 23 April 2024 centered on practice to support the implementation of MAT Standards 3 (Assertive Outreach and Anticipatory Care) and 8 (Independent Advocacy and Social Support), providing examples of collaborative practice between housing, homelessness and addiction teams.
Design Community of Practice Feb 24 event 28 Feb 24 The Design Community of Practice events connect and support people involved in design work, in a way that enables the development and integration of design practices within health and social care system
Older people/acute adult Hospital at Home progress update 31 Jan 24 Hospital at Home provides short-term hospital level care in a person's own home while reducing pressure on hospitals. We have been working with Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) and NHS boards to expand Hospital at Home across Scotland. Over 10,000 people accessed the service between April and December 2023 helping them to avoid time in hospital. Read more to learn about the progress of Hospital at Home across Scotland.
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards Webinar 6: System Response to Drug Trends - Insights and Reflections 23 Jan 24 Our sixth HIS MAT Standards Learning System webinar, held on 23 January 2024 focused on emerging trends in substance use and responses to them from across statutory services and the third/voluntary sector.
Design Community of Practice Nov 2023 29 Nov 23 The Design Community of Practice events connect and support people involved in design work, in a way that enables the development and integration of design practices within health and social care system
Hospital at Home across Scotland Progress 10 Nov 23 Hospital at Home provides short-term hospital level care in a person's own home while reducing pressure on hospitals. We have been working with Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) and NHS boards to expand Hospital at Home across Scotland. Over 7,000 people accessed the service between April and September 2023 helping them to avoid time in hospital. Read more to learn about the progress of Hospital at Home across Scotland.
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards Webinar 5: Recovery and People Led Care 31 Oct 23 This session was hosted by Stephanie Stewart, Senior Improvement Advisor, Transformation and Improvement in Drugs, Alcohol and Housing (TIDAH), Healthcare Improvement Scotland and during it we heard from: • Ailsa McCrae, Operations Manager (Argyll & Bute team); Jane Methven, Peer Advocacy Worker and Rights Based Advocacy Worker; Chelsea Willis, Peer Advocacy Worker from Lomond & Argyll Advocacy Service (LAAS) discussing the organisation’s Rights and Recovery Project • Laura Freeman, Principle Educator and Lynne Bradford, Educational Lead from NHS Education for Scotland (NES) discussing resources for trauma informed training in substance use and mental health. • Frank MacDonald, Criminal Justice Lead from Kairos Community Trust on building an individual’s pathway to recovery
The Access QI collaborative: Project Surgery 3 - Gynaecology 04 Oct 23 Participating Gynaecology services came together at one of the collaborative's project surgeries. The purpose of the session was for teams to share their project learning and receive support from the Access QI team and their peers.