In May, we hosted our second quarterly Design Community of Practice event of 2023

It was great to have so many of you share the design projects you're currently working on and it was lovely to welcome some new faces to the community.

Presentation - 'Designing Person-Centred Services in Housing, Social Care and Health' -
Online resource.

We were joined by Gillian Fyfe and Jeni Lennox from the TEC (Technology Enabled Care) Programme, who shared the online resource which is being developed for those seeking to use service design approaches. We’d be really keen for you to have a look through the resource and provide feedback via this survey.

You will find information and resources here if you are:

  • New to service design, and looking for examples of how others have implemented service design in their programmes 
  • Leading programmes, and planning for service design approaches 
  • Seeking to communicate the difference that service design can make to senior leaders
    and stakeholders 
  • Supporting staff or colleagues to develop their knowledge and practice 
  • Looking for new ideas to develop your own practice further

View the presentation slides
Watch the video recording on You Tube

What's the community doing? 

We had a great discussion about some of the design projects the community are working on.

Key points which emerged:

  • Everyone values the multi-disciplinary approach to break down siloed thinking.
    Embracing connections and synergies within different disciplines is important.
    Getting into the depth of ‘Systems of profound knowledge’
  • Embracing ‘Design’ as something that everyone does at NHS – and is not something that belongs to one discipline
  • What complex systems require is systemic design to work beyond the double diamond. Critiqued whether this model may not fit addressing challenges of complex systems and the use of Human Learning Systems might be more beneficial. But there is also a need to translate what is on systems maps, to provide meaningful insights. This is something that’s lacking.

More information about the Design Community of Practice can be found here