GP Cluster Working Learning Cycle Report - now available

GP clusters are typically groups of between five to eight GP practices in a close geographical location. The purpose of clusters is to encourage GPs to take part in quality improvement activity with their peers and contribute to the oversight and development of their local healthcare system.


The ihub’s Primary Care Improvement Portfolio have completed a learning cycle on GP cluster working to:

  • better understand the key components required for successful cluster working, including the common barriers and enablers 
  • collate examples of good practice and/or ideas that support successful cluster working, and
  • help reflection on cluster working and the next steps at local and national level.


To achieve this the team applied the principles of the 90-day learning cycle methodology;  considering the evidence and literature and interviewing a wide range of stakeholders from different roles and organisations. 

Read the GP Cluster Working Learning Cycle Report to find out about the:

  • summary of the high level findings
  • framework of key components for cluster working, with key points to consider under each component, including examples; a driver diagram accompanies the framework
  • list of questions for local reflection, and
  • list of questions for national reflection.


It is the hope that the findings summarised in this report will help with reflecting on cluster working and discussing the next steps at both a local and national level.  The findings from this learning cycle will inform future iterations of government policy for clusters.


For more information contact the team at