How Scotland contributed to World Patient Safety Day 2020
Safe staff, safe care
As part of the international campaign run by the World Health Organisation, the World Patient Safety Day campaign in Scotland was led by Healthcare Improvement Scotland's Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP). We raised awareness across Scotland of the interconnection between the wellbeing and safety of health and social care staff, and the impact this has on those needing care.
But it wasn't just about giving out information. We encouraged other bodies to take part in the campaign, from the Scottish Government to NHS boards, HSCPs, staff groups and social care organisations.
There were fantastic levels of engagement – from interacting with online activities to attending the QI Connect session, and from sharing insights on staff wellbeing to committing to #SafeStaffSafeCare with actions over the longer term.
Read our campaign summary PDF, which details what we did throughout September, why these activities matter, and how we ended up with a positive mention in the Scottish Parliament on 17 September - World Patient Safety Day.