Healthcare Improvement Scotland’s – Improvement Hub (ihub) is looking for experienced independent contractors (ihub Associates) to support our improvement work for NHS Boards and Health and Social Care Partners in Scotland.

The ihub is committed to providing tailored and responsive improvement support and ihub Associates are an important part of our flexible offer to health and social care partners across Scotland. For independent contractors, this is a significant opportunity to assist with the ongoing transformation of health and social care in Scotland.

Over the coming months, independent contractors will be invited to join a Framework Agreement based on an application and assessment process. This will allow the ihub to quickly call-off from the individuals listed on the Framework Agreement to carry out time defined, specificed work based on the contractor’s skills, expertise and knowledge. As per the terms of the Framework Agreement – ihub Associates will not be directly employed by Healthcare Improvement Scotland and being part of the Framework does not guarantee work.

The ihub has been successfully using a Framework Agreement since mid-May 2016 and a decision has now been made to review and build on the learning to date, increase the number of independent contractors on the list and expand the breadth of skills and experiences. The procurement process for the new Framework Agreement will open in early 2017. To find out more and to express an interest in being considered for this new Framework Agreement, please register and join our mailing list by contacting: