Join our World Patient Safety Day 2020 campaign in Scotland
The safety of people receiving and delivering care is paramount in Scotland's health and care system. In the context of COVID-19 and health and social care integration, our World Patient Safety Day campaign message in Scotland is #SafeStaffSafeCare.
We’re marking the World Health Organisation’s second annual World Patient Safety Day on 17 September with a range of activities, including:
- Leadership commitments to #SafeStaffSafeCare
- Insights and examples of how a range of organisations have promoted staff wellbeing – from Scotland's National Wellbeing Hub to the Student Mental Health Nurse Forum
- New blog about what safety in health and care means to our Chief Executive, Robbie Pearson
- Opinion piece from our Healthcare Staffing programme, and
- QI Connect session with Professor Michael West, who will share his reflections about compassionate leadership.
Visit our campaign page to find out more and get involved in the campaign in Scotland.