Ruth Robin joined the ihub on 19 February 2018 as the Portfolio Lead for Place, Home and Housing, This appointment marks the ihub’s commitment to driving forward the agenda for quality improvement recognising the important contribution of housing to good health and well being The Place, Home and Housing portfolio for 18/19 will support improvements to strategic planning and raise awareness of housing options that will provide people with a home environment that supports greater independence and improved health and wellbeing.
Ruth joins the ihub bringing with her a wealth of experience from across both the Local Authority and Voluntary sector. Ruth has worked in Housing for over 15 years managing and delivering a range of services, from Tenancy Sustainment to Homeless Prevention in Ayrshire and Renfrewshire. In her previous national role at Shelter Scotland, she designed and implemented successful Housing Support and Care at Home services which included involvement from people with lived experience to co-produce these services.
“I’m delighted to take forward this new portfolio of work and with support of the team and partners enable H&SCPs and NHS Boards to further develop their understanding of the contribution housing makes to good health, enabling them to make improvements that will provide people with a home environment that supports greater independence and improved health and well-being. ” -Ruth Robin