Find out how we support health and social care organisations redesign and continuously improve services during this two-day conference and exhibition in Glasgow (30-31 May).

The NHSScotland Event is an opportunity for anyone working in and with the NHS in Scotland to come together to consider the challenges faced, to share best practice and the most innovative approaches to delivering the highest quality of care. It’s also a chance to learn about tools and techniques that can support you in your role.

This year's theme is "Working Together, Improving Outcomes" and Healthcare Improvement Scotland is in attendance to showcase how we support you in this endeavour.

The ihub team is playing an active part and below is more information about our various sessions.

We are outlining how we support health and social care improvement across Scotland by sharing examples at the following programme sessions:

Thursday 30 May

Friday 30 May

Meet the team at the Healthcare Improvement Scotland stand
Over the two days there will be a series of topic sessions in the 'chat zone' of the Healthcare Improvement Scotland exhibition stand (no. 40) as well as a programme of times when you can meet our colleagues from across the organisation.

There's no need to book – just turn up, take a seat and join the conversation. Here's your opportunity to talk to our Chief Executive, Chair and Director of Improvement.

The programme ranges across Healthcare Improvement Scotland. Here are the ihub highlights:

Thursday 30 May

  • 10:30-11:15 Join topic session titled 'Integrating design thinking with quality improvement' with Ruth Glassborow – ihub's Director of Improvement.
  • 11:15-12:15 Talk with Ruth Glassborow as she is continues to be available on the exhibition stand.

Friday 31 May

  • 10:30-11.00 Ask questions during topic session 'Care navigation toolkit' with Claire Mavin - ihub Improvement Advisor and 'Making the MHASIT of it: Mental Health Access Improvement Collaborative' with Belinda Robertson – ihub's Head of Improvement Support.
  • 12:15-13:15 Join topic session titled 'No money… no problem, quality improvement in financial constraint' with Bernie McCulloch – Programme Lead for ihub's Maternity and Children Improvement Programme.
  • 14:30-15:00 Hear Jane Millar from the ihub Focus on Dementia Portfolio explain further about their work.

In addition, we have the following posters on display:

  • Every Move I Make: Contributing to the reduction of stillbirth in Scotland
  • 'What matters to you?' day 2018
  • Developing a national approach to experience-based co-design in Scotland
  • No Money, No problem! Achieving Quality Improvement in financial constraints
  • Teamwork, communication and collaboration: a co design approach to developing a national Maternity Early Warning Score (MEWS)
  • Scaling up a proactive approach to frailty identification: the electronic frailty index
  • Learning from women and midwives working together to improve antenatal education in Ayrshire and Arran
  • Reducing documents sent to GPs as part of the Practice Administrative Staff Collaborative
  • Death Certification – getting it right
  • A national approach to reducing term admissions to Neonatal Units
  • Reducing Stress and Distress in Specialist Dementia Units Using Evidence-based Approaches
  • Dementia Post-diagnostic Support in Primary Care
  • From Observation to Intervention in Mental Health: A proactive, responsive and personalised care and treatment framework for acutely unwell people in mental health care
  • Working Together, Improving Outcomes to Reduce Severe Postpartum Haemorrhage across Scotland.
  • Reducing cardiac arrests: How we’re improving care for people at risk of deterioration.
  • Community based interventions for people with frailty – an evidence bundle to inform commissioning

We look forward to seeing you there!

Visit the conference website to find out more.