New programme aims to improve Early Interventions in Psychosis (EIP) services in Scotland

We're delighted to announce that we have recruited the first two NHS boards to work with us to improve EIP services in Scotland.

Congratulations to NHS Forth Valley and NHS Highland.

Work will include:

  • mapping current EIP service provision,
  • considering how relevant quality indicator data relating to psychosis can be best collected and optimised,
  • looking at what is required to improve EIP services,
  • finding out what a good EIP service looks like for service providers and service users, and
  • creating and implementing an improvement plan.

Psychosis is characterised by hallucinations, delusions and disturbed thinking which can cause considerable distress and disability for people affected, and for their families and carers.

In recognition that this is a significant issue, Michelle Miller, Portfolio Lead said:

"We will be working with NHS Forth Valley and NHS Highland alongside their associated health and social care partnerships to support improvement to Early Interventions in Psychosis Services.

"In addition we will establish a National Early Intervention in Psychosis Improvement Network (EIPIN) and we will be collaborating with colleagues in Scottish Health Council and third sector partners to ensure all work is co-designed and co- produced with those with lived experience." 

This programme is one of a number of actions in the Scottish Government report, 'Our Vision to Improve Early Intervention in Psychosis in Scotland'.

The work will be led by Healthcare Improvement Scotland whilst working in partnership with Scottish Government and the Early Intervention in Psychosis Improvement Network (EIPIN). The programme will run until December 2020.

Find out more about our EIP work and how to get in touch.