Drawing on learning to date, the Evidence & Evaluation for Improvement Team (EEvIT) has produced an evidence summary to support the work of the New Models for Learning Disability Day Support Collaborative.

The report focuses on:

  • areas of progress and relevant considerations for data collection
  • developing staff for empowerment and autonomy, and
  • examples of emerging practice, including transferable learning from other sectors, such as dementia.

The following enablers are identified in driving service transformation:

  • For people using services, support to develop capability to identify and navigate service options, design and commission their services and to exercise choice within the rubric of self-directed support
  • For staff, to change roles and mindset, be enabled to problem-solve, be creative and flexible, to take positive risks
  • For managers, to mentor and enable staff, to support problem-solving and positive risk taking, to delegate ‘permission to innovate’
  • For communities, to develop awareness and capabilities for inclusion and accessibility to make services and employment real options for people with learning disabilities
  • For designers, planners and commissioners, to plan and implement the enabling infrastructures.

The full report contains signposting to examples of practice and evidence and draws on examples both nationally and internationally.

A presentation highlighting the key learning is available and accompanied by a recording of presentation which includes discussion on the content.