Useful links
These resources can support practice teams to change their demand and activity and enable patients to access the right care, in the right place, at the right time.
Care Navigation Toolkit: Changes demand by using care navigation to create an opportunity for a person-centred conversation. It encourages patients and carers to make an informed choice on how to best manage their own health and wellbeing. To implement care navigation rapidly click here to access the care navigation 10-Step Guide and here to access a recording of the accompanying 40 minute online tutorial.
Anticipatory Care Planning Toolkit: Changes demand on services by supporting people to discuss their anticipated care needs and develop a plan that supports improved co-ordinate care.
Workflow Optimisation Toolkit: Changes activity by reducing time required to manage incoming correspondence, primarily at the point of the administration team.
Serial Prescription Toolkit: Changes activity by ensuring medicines-related activity is dealt with by the right member of the pharmacy team, at the right time, safely and efficiently. Click here to view the accompanying webinar and workshops series.
Near Me Quick Start Guide for Practice Administrative Staff: Changes activity by enabling people to attend appointments from home or wherever is convenient.
The Access QI Planned Care Toolkit contains tools, guidance and advice that practice teams may find useful when using quality improvement to deliver local access improvement projects.