Daily goal setting
The establishment of daily goals in partnership with service users and linked to care planning, enables them to be more involved in their care. Daily goals can provide structure and engagement, which can add to the ongoing assessment of the individual and helps staff to identify early changes in their condition. By involving families to help establish daily goals and keeping them informed of care plans can improve outcomes for everyone. It is beneficial to discuss daily goals with carers and families either on the day or the day before a goal is set, this ensures carers and families are kept informed and can provide potentially valuable information to the MDT.
Daily goal setting can be implemented by working from a daily goals worksheet that may wish to keep for themselves. It links with the five key ‘Must Do With Me' areas :
What matters to you?
Your personal goals and the things that are important to you have been discussed and form the basis of your care or treatment
Who matters to you?
We have asked you about the people that matter most in your life and we have given you the opportunity to involve them in the way that you choose.
What information do you need?
We have provided you with understandable full information and supported you to make decisions that take account of your personal goals and the things that are important to you.
Nothing about me without me
You will always be given the opportunity to be involved in discussions. All information exchanges and communication between professionals or between different services or supports are transparent and always provide you with the opportunity either to be present or to contribute to the process.
Personalised content
As much as possible, the timing and methods by which you contact and use services or supports are flexible and can be adapted to your personal needs.
The five “Must Do With Me” areas will help ensure that all interactions between service users and staff are characterised by listening, dignity, compassion and respect.