Where to start?

If you are looking for a quick overview of Value Management and tips for where to start, access the one page Key Information Document.


Purpose and overview 

This resource pack provides those working within the health and care system with the tools and resources to design and apply a team level method to deliver high quality care so that people get the best possible outcome and experience, alongside the best value.

It is intended to be used by clinical, non-clinical and service provision teams to improve the quality of the service they provide whilst managing cost and capacity.


What is Value Management?

Value Management ensures teams delivering the service use data to drive the continuous improvement of safety, quality, experience, cost and capacity. It can help manage quality by bringing together a range of improvement and assurance programmes teams and boards may be involved in, such as Access QI, Realistic Medicine, the Scottish Patient Safety Programme and Excellence in Care. 


Why Value Management? 

Value Management is about improving the experience both of people receiving care and staff... They identify those areas they want to work on and they’re being given the support within that team to actually solve their own problems." Consultant, NHS Forth Valley

Value Management has demonstrated a positive impact in reducing costs, improving staff engagement and morale, and improving patient safety.

Value Management’s structured approach to data collection, analysis, and problem-solving serves to organise improvement activities and support sustained improvements over time.



Access evaluation outputs from the Value Management Collaborative, including case studies and an Interim Learning and Impact report.


Introduction to the Value Management method

The core interventions are a visual management board, weekly huddles and box score.

Find out more about the Value Management method.


Value Management e-learning module 

If you or a colleague are looking to learn more about Value Management, explore the e-learning module which will explain the key principles of Value Management, and support understanding of the method and how it might be applied within your own context.

Access the Value Management e-learning module on TURAS.


Preparing the team for Value Management

The key to the success of the Value Management method is team engagement. Each member of the core and extended support team has a role to play in supporting quality management. Everyone involved should have a shared understanding of the team’s purpose, roles, and individual and team responsibilities.

Access resources to help identify your team and get them off to the best start, including a team readiness assessment and team agreement.

Read more about getting your team started.

Find out more about what is needed to get the most out of your team. 


Quality Improvement to support Value Management 

The graphic below shows the 6 stages of the Quality Improvement (QI) Journey. Following the stages of the QI Journey can help keep your Value Management work on track by using a tried and tested method.

For more information on the QI Journey, visit the NES QI zone.

Click on the graphic below to find out more about how the QI journey can support Value Management.