Quality Improvement (QI) to support Value Management

The Quality Improvement Journey shows the stages of an improvement initiative or project. In reality, your journey is unlikely to be linear. You will move back as well as forward, and will likely need to work on different aspects at the same time and throughout your project. 


How does the QI journey support Value Management?

Click on the image below to access a PDF.




Click on the icons to find out more: 


When preparing to start Value Management you are looking to build a team.

To find out more on leadership and teams click on the icon or visit the QI zone. 

Understanding your system is essential to any improvement journey. A system can be defined as an interdependent group of items, people, or processes working together towards a common purpose. If teams want different outcomes they need to understand how their system is currently working. They can use this knowledge to help them identify the right improvements to make changes where they are needed.

For tools to help you understand your system in Value Management click on the icon or to read more visit the QI zone. 


Measurement is core to Value Management as it demonstrates if your changes have led to an improvement and tracks your progress towards your aim. Data is displayed weekly in the box score on the visual management board and discussed at the weekly huddle.

To find out more about measurement in Value Management click on the icon.

Having an aim for each of our Value Management areas of focus can help us:

  • get everyone in the team up to speed quickly
  • know if what we are testing is working.

To find out more about developing aims click on the icon.

Project management tools can be really useful at the beginning and throughout your Value Management journey. They will help you, your team and other stakeholders to see the clear plan for your improvement work, help track your progress and communicate effectively. 

To find out more about useful project management tools for Value Management click on the icon or visit the QI zone.

Once you know what you want to improve you need to think about what changes you might want to make and how you will know whether they work.

To find out more about testing changes click on the icon.

Finally, when you find something that works you need to make sure that it becomes business as usual and that things don’t slip back to how they were before.

To find out more about how to implement a change click on the icon.

Once your idea is business as usual you will want to take it to other areas and spread what is working.

To find out more about spread click on the icon.