My Anticipatory Care Plan


My Anticipatory Care Plan (My ACP) was developed by Healthcare Improvement Scotland working with a range of partners. Published in 2018 it provides a comprehensive booklet which is designed for individuals to complete themselves, with support from family, friends and health or care professionals.

My ACP is designed to be printed and kept at home by the individual, with a summary section at the end to let others know their most important wishes.

Please note that there are a wide range of tools that support the gathering and sharing of information from future care planning conversations. It is important to select a suitable tool to meet individual needs and My ACP will not always be the most appropriate option. Our future care planning toolkit includes information about the different options for documentation and sharing.

My ACP is available in a range of formats:

There is also guidance for professionals to support the use of My ACP.

Patient facing information is available on the NHS inform webpages.



The content of My ACP is due for review in line with the change to future care planning. PDF copies of all the My ACP resources are available here for professionals to access. Do be aware that some web links, email addresses and contact information may now be out of date. Healthcare Improvement Scotland cannot supply printed copies of these resources. If you have any questions please contact