Safety Culture Webinar Series, Systems for Learning (March 2022)



This webinar focused on learning systems and their importance in a quality management system. Learning systems are key to the EoSC and one way of supporting leadership to promote a culture of safety.


  • Michael Canavan, Quality Management System Portfolio Lead, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, looking at what is meant by a learning system
  • Emma Campbell, Senior Charge Midwife, NHS Lothian about applying a learning system approach to the Perinatal Mortality Review Tool (PMRT) process

The system for learning webinar focused on:

  • what do we mean by Learning System in the context of improving quality and safety?
  • practical considerations for the establishment of an effective Learning System,
  • an example from an NHS board on how they use a learning system in their organisation, and
  • group discussion, sharing of experiences, Q&A.

Webinar resources:


Case study

The systems for learning case study showcases presentations from:

  • Michael Canavan, Quality Management System Portfolio Lead, Healthcare Improvement Scotland, looking at what do we mean by a learning system in the context of improving quality and safety? and
  • Emma Campbell, Senior Charge Midwife, NHS Lothian about applying a learning system approach to the Perinatal Mortality Review Tool (PMRT) process.

Link here to SPSP Essentials of Safe Care (EoSC) Leadership & Culture, Systems for Learning