Inpatient mental health user experiences and service redesign
This is a rapid summary of recent literature related to adult inpatient mental health services with a strategic redesign focus. It gives a sense of some of the key considerations from the literature that we found. It is not an exhaustive review on the topic and our methodology is outlined in the full report (PDF).
Our literature summary is available with graphics as a PDF or in plain text format arranged in sections based around the following questions:
- 'What does good look like' (for users) in relation to inpatient mental health and specialist care?
- What type of care can only be provided in an acute hospital setting?
- What are published examples of whole system approaches to mental health specialist care?
Other ihub mental health work can be found on the Mental Health Improvement Portfolio section of the ihub website.
Next section: 'What does good look like' (for users) in relation to inpatient mental health and specialist care?