Early Intervention in Psychosis Summary Report 

Cost of implementing EIP across Scotland

It is not possible to deliver evidence-based interventions and improve long-term outcomes for people with psychosis without investing in ring-fenced staffing.

There is some evidence that providing EIP leads to longer-term cost savings to the NHS and wider society. Best practice suggests that a three-year model is more effective for improving outcomes and reducing pressure on CMHTs. The estimated cost of EIP care for the standard three years is £10,500 per person per year. This figure is based on the cost of Esteem and specialist EIP services in England.

There are two aspects to the cost of implementing EIP services across Scotland:

  1. EIP service staffing provision
  2. Set up and development of services

The costs below are estimated indicative, for planning purposes and are based on a number of assumptions that will need to be tested in practice. 

  EIP service staffing  Set-up, development and support
Year 1 £8.4 million* £2.5 million
Year 2 £16.8 million £500,000**
Ongoing £16.8 million £500,000**

* amount is 50% lower since service not operating at full capacity in first year
** from year two onwards for national training programme, public health campaign, improvement support, learning system, networks and regional support

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