SPSP Mental Health Collaborative
The aim of the SPSP Mental Health Programme is to reduce the level of harm experienced by people using healthcare services.
This will be achieved by supporting hospital teams to improve observation practice and reduce harm from restraint and seclusion practices. The SPSP team supports the Programme with a focus on;
- creating the conditions for improvement in your team
- the implementation of the ‘From Observation to Intervention’ national guidance
- reduce the incidence of restraint, whilst improving this experience for staff and patients
- reduce episodes of seclusion, whilst improving this experience for staff and patients
Change Packages
- Creating the Conditions (PDF)
Resources and Links
- Evidence Scan Executive Summary (PDF)
- Full Evidence Scan (PDFs)
- Readiness for Change and Prioritisation Tool (PDF)
- Creating the Conditions Measurement Framework (PDF)
- SPSPMH Measurement Framework (PDF)
- Glossary (PDF)
- Essentials of Safe Care
- From Observation to Intervention national guidance
- The Lived and living experience of restrictive practice from a patient, family and carer perspective across Scotland
- Least Restrictive Practice A Healthcare Staff Perspective Summary (PDF)
- Least Restrictive Practice A Healthcare Staff Perspective Summary (Power Point)